The First Bricks Have Been Ordered!
Minnesota summers are the perfect time to work on The Ranch landscaping and we have enough brick orders to start our Walkway to Mental Health. The first batch of bricks will arrive on July 18th and then work will begin.
We’re planning a sidewalk and patio around The Ranch and in front of our bronze statue. The orders will be ongoing and are ordered in batches. You can honor a loved one while supporting mental health. Order here.
“The dedications are all very touching”, claims Pav’s sister, Jean. “Some brought tears when I saw the friends and family members honoring their loved ones.”
There’s a family who have been generous supporters of The Ranch in honor of famed football player, Greg Montgomery Jr, who also struggled with mental illness.
“I feel a special connection with this sister, Margot, and think of how much her brother was loved and missed. Just like mine. Now, their donations are helping so many others who suffer.”
We have already had several athletes and their family members through the program and are happy to report very nice outcomes. We also help support The Nest’s Veteran programs and resources. It’s teammwork at it’s best!