President Jack Pavelich has passed the baton to The Ranch’s new President, Clint Malarchuk
During his presidency, Jack accomplished a lot. Of course he credits the many others for their support and compassion for this mission, but it took a strong leader to get us through.
When asked about some of the accomplishments made over the past few years, Jack replied with the following:
– Started off by securing and putting in place needed insurance coverage to protect the Directors and the Ranch in the long term. These were Director and Officer Policies, and insurance coverage for Property, Liability, and Umbrella coverage.
– Worked closely with the Eagle’s Healing Nest to secure an Operational Agreement for our use of the facility on site. That agreement is now in force and we, and EHN, are in compliance. I might add this agreement being made paved the way for our initial residents being hosted these past two years.
– Brought on Shannon Fladebo as our Construction Super, and worked closely with her to complete the renovation of The Ranch building. And you’re right. It’s beautiful!
– With renovations completed, brought on Tommy Snell as our Resident Ranch Manager in order to establish the criteria for day to day operations of The Ranch, and our House.
– As our renovations were nearing completion, I encouraged The Ranch to take a major role in securing needed funds for completion of Lady Liberty. We did that, and the Lady is closing in on her grand opening. Our own Ranch ladies will benefit greatly by completion and opening of that facility on site.
– I did what I could do to guide and move The Ranch successfully in concert with the desires of the Board of Directors.
Of course we did a lot more together than just these things, as you well know. We can all celebrate all the work, all the effort, all that the TEAM did together. But these things pale in comparison to the work God has done here. Man plans – God laughs. May all the glory be His.